We are only a week or two away from the first rains of our rainy season and we cannot wait!. In general it rains from mid-May to early December and then it is completely dry the rest of the year.  You can see how dry it is right now in the photo above.  Below is the same scene during rainy months.  After just a few rains, things green up very quickly.   Then we have to keep cutting back or we’d have a jungle.

Gerard, engineer that he is, measured the daily rainfall this past year at ViVerde (see chart). The system was simple: rain fell into a bucket, the volume was measured each morning, and calculations made to determine rainfall in inches per day.

When it rains, it pours here and we love it.  The swales will fill up again, the dogs can run in the water and the plants and trees will be so happy they made it through another dry season (well, they did get watered, but sparingly).  All times of the year there is something different to look at, varying fruits to eat and flowers to enjoy.  And there is always something to look forward to.  Any time is a good time to be here.